Getting Yourself in Order

First Things First

Getting Yourself in Order

Before you can begin dating anyone you need to do a little a background work

first to make sure you understand yourself. This will help you ensure that you are

looking for a woman who’s compatible with you, and that you have the right

expectations. Only once you understand these factors will you be able to find the

woman who is right for you.

The first step before you begin dating should be to understand how you operate.

Why do you want to date at this point in your life? Before you begin dating, make

sure you are in this for the right reasons. Reconsider the reasons you want to

date if:

 You want someone to dote on you, like your mother did. Get a pet or a


 You want to impress your friends with a “trophy girl”. Buy a fast car –

your friends will be impressed.

 You want one-night-stands. If you are looking for a purely physical

relationship, this book might not be for you. Picking up a woman for a

one-night-stand isn’t very complex. Finding someone who is a perfect

match for you is.

 You want to date because everyone else is.

Next, you will need to learn more about yourself. Consider these questions to

gain valuable insight into dating motives and desired outcomes:

1. What character traits are most important to you?

Perhaps you despise lying, and are a hard-worker. These are fundamental

traits that are a part of the foundation of your character, and will most likely be

important to you throughout your life. You’ll most likely be looking for a

woman with similar traits.

2. Why do you want to date at this point in your life?

This book will focus on dating for the purposes of friendship and compatibility

essential for longer term relationships, if so desired. You will be provided with

the tools needed to help you find a companion to spend time with, with whom

you can share the good times and bad, and go through life with a friend who

loves you.

3. What are you expecting to get out of your dating experience?

This book will teach you how to find a woman, and date a woman, who will

stimulate you mentally, emotionally, and physically.

4. What do you want and expect from a woman?

Understand that in any friendship or relationship, both parties want and

expect something. When dating someone, she will have expectations just like

you will. The key to success and compatibility is to find someone that closely

matches your own needs and wants.

The answers to these basic questions will be able to help you get on track. Once

you know what you want, you have a better chance of finding it. 

 Have you been going about dating all wrong? Perfect women only exist in magazines and movies. Real women live in the real world. If you find yourself constantly discouraged by less-than-perfect women, you need to look again at what you want in a woman and focus on the major factors that are most

important to you. What are you non-negotiable traits, and what really won’t

matter to you if she’s perfect in every other way?

None of us are perfect. Each of us has faults. Magazines are airbrushed, and

the movies are edited to show what is wanted. Live in reality and you will be

much happier. Your inability to find the “Perfect Woman” isn’t bad luck, it just

doesn’t exist.


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