Flirting for the Non-Flirtatious


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Flirting is a dance of lightly showing you are interested in a woman.  It is the first step in getting to know someone. It’s not anything more than that. The outcome of flirting may simply be a new friend, but it could possibility be the beginning of something more.

Review the following do’s and don’ts before your next attempt at flirting:


ü  Send her a drink from across the room. It’s just a drink.  If she looks up and catches your eye and smiles, you might get invited to sit down with her.

ü  Give her genuine compliments. Everyone has good qualities, paying her a compliment will immediately make you more likeable.

ü  Ask for her number if you would like to talk with her again. If you don’t plan to call her, don’t ask for her phone number.



ü  Try to flirt with two women in the same group, you will look desperate.

ü  Use cliché one-liners. Women know them all and think they are cheesy and unimaginative.

ü  Touch her.  Some women don’t mind men who like to put their arm around them or touch their shoulders, other women are frightened by it. Gauge her feelings about touching her by moving in a little closer and seeing how she reacts to less personal space.  Does she move back? If so, relax and avoid touching until you are more well-acquainted.

ü  Hover, lurk or beg.  Acting desperately is a big turn-off to women. Be a little bit unreachable because you will look more confident.

Women are notoriously more skilled at flirting than men are. Be prepared to recognize her flirtatious behavior so that you can return the non-verbal messages she is sending to you, loud and clear.  A woman is flirting with you if:

v  She keeps looking in your direction. Every time you look up is she looking at you? Then she’s probably flirting. Does she look down as soon as she sees you looking at her? Then she’s shy. Go to her and start a conversation. If she smiles at you when you catch her looking, it’s an invitation to talk with her.

v  She keeps playing with her hair. Some women subconsciously play with their hair when trying to get a man’s attention.

v  She starts the conversation with you. This means she wants to get to know you better, which is a good sign.

v  She compliments you. If she tells you that she thinks you are well dressed, are in shape, or any other personal compliment, it’s a strong indication that she’s flirting with you.

v  You remind her of someone. This might be her attempt to start a conversation.

v  She touches you.  She needs to be the first to take this step, but this is a loud signal that she is flirting.

v  She laughs at your jokes and seems genuinely interested in things that you say.


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