EI, in its simplest form, is
the ability for a person to decipher their own emotions, and understand the
emotions of others. If a person has high
EI, they are able to use their emotions to process complex thoughts, enhance
perception, express themselves more maturely, and more effectively manage themselves
and others.
EI is
the ability to maintain accurate awareness of your self. EI is also the ability
to maintain a keen awareness of other people's verbal and non-verbal thoughts
and feelings.
Emotions are often realized
through changes in expressed energy. By
noticing these changes in yourself and others you will raise your overall
awareness and EI.
People with high EI are able
to look at a situation from the other person’s point of view. Dealing with a situation when you can see how
the other person is feeling helps you handle issues like a mature adult.
Why is this important to your
success when dating? Here’s an example:
The woman you have asked out
on a date is late meeting you. Although she is usually very punctual, this time
she is nearly 45 minutes late. A man with low EI would be angry and make a big
fuss, requiring an explanation from his date that of course, will never be
adequate. The date won’t go well because he is still stewing and making it an
unpleasant time for the both of them.
A man with high EI will be
able to understand that sometimes tardiness is unavoidable, and he will know
that she feels terrible for being late. He will let her know its okay, and that
he is sure that she feels bad about making him wait. He’ll accept her reason, especially
because she is usually on time, and move on to enjoy the date.
For a mature and effective
relationship, it is important that both people have high EI’s. This will ensure
that they have mutual respect for each other, and that both people feel secure
in the relationship.
The best way to use EI to your
advantage is to tune into her verbal and non-verbal cues on your date. Do some
homework before your date by watching your own non-verbal cues. Look at your natural tendencies in
interacting with your family, colleagues, or friends. Try asking for feedback
from people that will be honest with you.
EI is the key to a satisfying, mature, and successful relationship.
Investing some time in improving your own EI is well worth it.
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