As women, we seem to think that the best way to influence
our partners is either by nagging, yelling or shutting down when we feel he is
ignoring us. The problem, though, is that most often than not we expect men to
read our minds and understand what we want from them. Unfortunately, that is
the path that will lead to certain death for any relationship for the simple
reason that men are so different in how they process feelings and emotions.
For example, a woman wants to talk about her problems
whereas men tend to become introverted and like to figure out their problems on
their own. For a man to talk to someone about his problems it usually means
that he is asking for advice or a solution, which is why when women share their
problems they tend to offer solutions. The thing is that when we are airing our
grievances we usually don’t want to hear a solution, we just want to be heard,
understood and held. We want someone to empathize.
However, men simply don’t know how to empathize because it
isn’t part of their makeup. When guys are talking about their problems to each
other it is a sign that they are asking for advice, for a solution because they
certainly aren’t asking for an understanding “Hmmm” and a hug, as we women
expect. So, of course, when he starts offering a solution we get all upset that
he doesn’t understand what we want without actually realizing that he simply
doesn’t know.
On the other hand, women have a powerful “weapon”, if it can
be called that, to influence men. It lies in our vulnerability. By opening your
heart up and expressing your true feelings you will be surprised at the
You shouldn’t mistake vulnerability as a weakness because
allowing yourself to be vulnerable means that you are strong enough to accept
the fact that you might get hurt if you open yourself up. In fact, by allowing
yourself to be vulnerable and express a full range of emotions, you will be
looking after yourself more because you will be telling him exactly what you
want and what you need.
You see, there are few things that make a man happier than
knowing he can make his woman feel good and when she is upset, he wants to do
everything in his power to make her feel better. If you can learn to genuinely
express your feelings to him rather than rattle off a list of problems then you
will find that he will become much more receptive.
What Do Men Really Want
First and foremost, you need to understand that men like
things simple. They don’t overanalyze every phrase you say looking for a hidden
meaning nor do they speak in riddles. In fact, you can be certain that in most
cases, when a man says something that’s exactly what he means in that moment.
What does this mean? It means that men adore women who tell
them straight what they feel and don’t feel. So, for example, rather than
hinting that you are too tired to go out that evening or trying to hint at the
fact that you are upset he isn’t spending enough time with you, try telling
him. Yes, you run the risk of being rejected but at the same time you are
showing him what you want and there’s nothing men love more than not having to
worry about making a mistake and upsetting you.
Of course, delivery is important as well and a man will
respond much better if your delivery is soft and feminine rather than shouting
your head off at him. By being soft and feminine you completely disarm him
because men want to make their women happy. On the other hand, if you start
yelling, all you are doing is basically competing with him and he will start
treating you like one of the guys because guys compete against each other. So,
he will either do the “guy thing” and withdraw inside himself or simply try to
compete with you.
You see, men marry women who make them feel good and because
they have such trouble accessing their own emotions, they love being with a
woman who makes them feel good. Now, if he is constantly walking around on
eggshells because he doesn’t know how to please you, the last thing he will
feel is good.
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